Donate in Memory of Kira

Kira Downey served CTN faithfully as a board member and rider representative for nearly eight years. On behalf of thousands of riders, she advocated and let their voices be heard. She reminded the board of their responsibility to our riders, to the people who need us the most.

In March 2020, CTN lost our wonderful advocate. In May, the board of directors voted to honor Kira’s lasting impact by creating the Kira Downey Memorial Rider Fund. This fund will serve to support the riders Kira most cared about, providing free trips when a rider needs it most. The Kira Downey Memorial Rider Fund is a perpetual reminder of the impact Kira had on CTN.

If you’d like to join CTN in maintaining Kira’s memory, please consider a gift or contact Justin Clupper about making a pledge.

260-420-3407 or [email protected]