Board Member Profile: Karen Berggoetz

May 22, 2024

We have an awesome team behind the scenes at CTN, including a rockstar board. We are so grateful for the support and guidance they provide. Let’s get to know them.

Karen joined our board over 6 years ago. Before getting involved with CTN, she had not given much thought to her ability to drive nor that she had a vehicle at all. Her friend, Kira Downey, was a CTN board member and a rider. Karen witnesses Kira’s experience, like the obstacles she faced getting to medical appointments, firsthand and saw how CTN helped her.

What were you surprised to learn about CTN when you first got involved?

The variety of trips they provide – medical, grocery, group trips, work trips. I had not idea of the impact that CTN makes on the lives of their riders. 

Do you have a favorite memory from your time with CTN?

The first time I did a ride-along was heartwarming. It was obvious that the driver was at ease with her riders and had established a relationship with them. She made sure the rider got into the building safely. She joked with a few and asked questions about how they were doing or what was going on for them that day. 

How does CTN impact its riders?

My answer to the question above connects to this answer. CTN and their drivers see the riders as individuals and honors them as unique and wonderful human being. Talk about connection and community!

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The Ride Along – May 2024
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